
Audit trail related methods

POST Audit/Get

Get a list of changes for the supplied object


Automatic vehicle location related methods

GET Avl/Last?administrationId={administrationId}

Gets the last AVL record for the supplied administration

GET Avl/GetAvlData?administrationId={administrationId}&from={from}&to={to}&skip={skip}&take={take}&orderDescending={orderDescending}

Gets AVL record for the supplied administration

GET Avl/Subscribe?groupId={groupId}&vehicleCategoryId={vehicleCategoryId}&driverCategoryId={driverCategoryId}&accountId={accountId}

Subscribe to the EventStream of multiple devices

GET Avl/Subscribe?avlSubscriptionLevel={avlSubscriptionLevel}&targetObjectId={targetObjectId}

Subscribe to the EventStream


Checklist related methods

GET Checklist/Get

Get a list of Checklist, based on the filter options

GET Checklist/Get/{id}

Get an Checklist

POST Checklist/Post

POST Checklist

POST Checklist/AddAttachment?checklistReplyId={checklistReplyId}


Device related methods

POST Device/GetUdsMessage

GET Device/GetList?accountId={accountId}&onlyWithEquipment={onlyWithEquipment}

No documentation available.


Controller to allow discovery of certificates

GET Discovery/SsoPublicKeys

Get public keys used for signing

GET Events/GetEventOccurrences?equipmentId={equipmentId}&eventId={eventId}&from={from}&to={to}

Get all occurrences of an event for an administration

GET Events/GetEventOccurrences?eventId={eventId}&from={from}&to={to}&accountId={accountId}

Get all occurrences of an event


Employee related methods

GET Employee/GetEmployees?accountId={accountId}

Get a list of employees using an (optional) account id

GET Employee/GetDrivers?accountId={accountId}

Get a list of all Employees with Type = Driver using an (optional) account id

GET Employee/Get

Get a list of Employees, based on the filter options

GET Employee/Get/{id}

Get an Employee


Equipment related methods

GET Equipment/GetFleet?groupId={groupId}&hasDeviceOnly={hasDeviceOnly}&accountId={accountId}

Fetch EquipmentDTO objects from the database

GET Equipment/Subscribe?groupId={groupId}&vehicleCategoryId={vehicleCategoryId}&driverCategoryId={driverCategoryId}&accountId={accountId}&equipmentId={equipmentId}

Subscribe to EventStream

GET Equipment/SubscribeAdministrations?groupId={groupId}&vehicleCategoryId={vehicleCategoryId}&driverCategoryId={driverCategoryId}&accountId={accountId}&equipmentId={equipmentId}

Subscribe to EventStream

GET Equipment/Subscribe?accountId={accountId}&lastMessageId={lastMessageId}

Subscribe to EventStream

GET Equipment/GetEquipment?equipmentId={equipmentId}

GET Equipment/GetEquipments?groupId={groupId}&hasDeviceOnly={hasDeviceOnly}

GET Equipment/GetAdministrations?groupId={groupId}&hasDeviceOnly={hasDeviceOnly}&accountId={accountId}&administrationTypes={administrationTypes}

Fetch BaseAdministrationDTO objects

PUT Equipment/Put

PUT Equipment

POST Equipment/Post

POST Equipment


EventNotifications related methods

GET EventNotifications/Get

GET EventNotifications/PollEvents?equipmentId={equipmentId}&eventType={eventType}&lastId={lastId}


PointsOfInterest related methods

GET PointsOfInterest/GetPointsOfInterest?accountId={accountId}

POST PointsOfInterest/Post

POST PointsOfInterest

PUT PointsOfInterest/Put

PUT PointsOfInterest


QualityMark related methods

POST QualityMark/Post

Post QualityMarkCertificate PDF files

POST QualityMark

Post QualityMarkCertificate PDF files


Reports related methods

POST Reports/CreateReport

GET Reports/GetReportStatus?reportId={reportId}

GET Reports/GetReportBytes?reportId={reportId}


Session related methods

POST Session/Login

Login and obtain an AccessToken and RefreshToken

GET Session/ValidateAccessToken?accessToken={accessToken}

Check if an AccessToken is valid

POST Session/Token

Obtain a new AccessToken based on the RefreshToken


Signal related methods

GET Signal/Get?accountId={accountId}

Get a list of Signals

GET Signal/Subscribe?GroupId={GroupId}&VehicleCategoryId={VehicleCategoryId}&DriverCategoryId={DriverCategoryId}&SignalIds={SignalIds}&AccountId={AccountId}&EquipmentId={EquipmentId}

Subscribe to EventStream

GET Signal/GetSensorValues?equipmentId={equipmentId}&signalIds={signalIds}&from={from}&to={to}

Get a list of Sensors with their values for the given period Example using curl: curl "http://localhost:1420/signal/getsensorvalues?equipmentId={id}&signalIds={signalId}&from={datetime}&to={datetime}" -H "accept: text/plain" -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"


TachoFile related methods

GET TachoFile/GetList?id={id}&includeInvalid={includeInvalid}

GET TachoFile?from={from}&to={to}&accountId={accountId}&driverId={driverId}&equipmentId={equipmentId}&tachoFileType={tachoFileType}

Get a list of TachoFiles

GET TachoFile/GetList?from={from}&to={to}&accountId={accountId}&driverId={driverId}&equipmentId={equipmentId}&tachoFileType={tachoFileType}

Get a list of TachoFiles

GET TachoFile/GetFile/{id}

Get TachoFile Content by unique identifier

POST TachoFile

Post (driver or vehicle) tachofiles into customer, finding the correct employee/vehicle or creating one if needed To post tachofiles, the content of the post request needs to encoded as "multipart/form-data”. (In that way it is also possible to upload multiple tachofiles with one post.) For driver files an extra "Downloaded-Time" header can be used, on the individual file headers or on the whole request, to supply the date the driver tacho file was downloaded from the card. This header should be in the RFC 2616 date/time format

POST TachoFile/Post

Post (driver or vehicle) tachofiles into customer, finding the correct employee/vehicle or creating one if needed To post tachofiles, the content of the post request needs to encoded as "multipart/form-data”. (In that way it is also possible to upload multiple tachofiles with one post.) For driver files an extra "Downloaded-Time" header can be used, on the individual file headers or on the whole request, to supply the date the driver tacho file was downloaded from the card. This header should be in the RFC 2616 date/time format

POST TachoFile/GetTachographCapabilities

Post vehicle tachofiles and return Capabilities for the tachograph, to see if RDL is available


Tag related methods

GET Tags/GetTags?accountId={accountId}

Fetch tags

GET Tags/Get

Get a list of IButtons, based on the filter options

GET Tags/IButtonExists?badgeId={badgeId}

Check if an IButton with this Badge ID exists

POST Tags/CreateIButtonForEmployee

Create a new IButton for the specified Employee based on the Badge ID

PUT Tags/MoveIButtonToEmployee

Move an IButton to the specified Employee


TPMS related methods

GET Tpms/SubscribeToTruck?tractorId={tractorId}

Subscribe to EventStream


Trips related methods

GET Trips/GetTrips?equipmentId={equipmentId}&from={from}&to={to}&extendedInfo={extendedInfo}

Get Trips from an Equipment between two dates.

GET Trips/GetEmployeeTrips?employeeId={employeeId}&from={from}&to={to}&extendedInfo={extendedInfo}

Get Trips from a driver between two date's.

GET Trips/GetTrips?from={from}&to={to}&extendedInfo={extendedInfo}&accountId={accountId}

Get all Trips between two dates.

POST Trips/GetTrips

Get all Trips by given Trip Ids.

GET Trips/GetTripsByLocation?locationId={locationId}&direction={direction}&from={from}&to={to}&extendedInfo={extendedInfo}

Get all Trips for this Location between two dates.

GET Trips/GetLastTripOfAdministrations?minDate={minDate}&adminIds={adminIds}

Get last trip for each provided administration.

GET Trips/GetTripTypes

Get trip types for this organization.

GET Trips/Get/{id}?extendedInfo={extendedInfo}

Get Trip

GET Trips/Get?id={id}&extendedInfo={extendedInfo}

Get Trip

POST Trips/Post

Create a new Trip

POST Trips

Create a new Trip

PUT Trips/SetTripType

POST Trips/CreateCorrectionTrip

PUT Trips/Put

PUT Trips

DELETE Trips/Delete?tripId={tripId}

DELETE Trips?tripId={tripId}


Unified Diagnostics Services (UDS) related methods

GET Uds/GetBmwCbsInfo?equipmentId={equipmentId}

Get BMW/Mini specific Condition Based Service information for the selected vehicle

GET Uds/GetAllSinglePidValues?equipmentId={equipmentId}

Get all selected/cached PID values for the selected vehicle

GET Uds/GetDTCs?equipmentId={equipmentId}

Get all (cached) DTC's, OBD and enhanced

GET Uds/ScanPGN?deviceId={deviceId}&canBusNumber={canBusNumber}

Scan PGN on canbus x and return info about all the PGNs that responded


User related methods

GET Users/Get

Get a list of Users, based on the filter options

GET Users/Get/{id}

Get a User

GET Users/UsernameExists?username={username}

Check if a Username exists

GET Users/EmailExists?email={email}

Check if a EmailAddress exists

GET Users/GetSessionUser

Get the current Session's User

GET Users/GetUsers

Get all the current Account's Users

POST Users/Post

Create a new User

POST Users

Create a new User

PUT Users/Put

Update an existing User

PUT Users

Update an existing User

PUT Users/SetPersonalDetails

Set Users's personal details